Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Consumer Behavor_Field Observation Assignment

Consumer Behavor_Field Observation Assignment

Q Please find your way to your normal shopping center. Through observation, please comment on what you see regarding the movement of the consumers. Do they seem : hurried, or relaxed distracted, or focused continue the shopping trip, or heading towards the exists alone, or with a group empty handed, or carrying purchases Please comment, in summary, what your findings say about your observation of the shopping process.

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In most of the cases, the consumers prefer to shop from the shopping center, which they need the most. However, on certain cases, their movements in the shopping center can be traced according to the existing sales, and availability of different product in a proper manner. While vising a normal shopping center of my area, I have noticed that most of the consumers are relaxed while shopping. However, as there are facilities of shopping for different products, therefore, most of the consumers are not focused on their needed products and they often buy the products that attract them the most.